Lesson number one...always click on the "save now' button, after you have written your blog and get up to take a break. Damn. Lost another one. Man..it was gooood too. Much better than the last football one.

So Luke was just outside playing with the neighborhood kids wearing roller blades, a Lightening McQueen swim vest, Tae Kwon Do hand pads and a Mario Hat from Halloween. I love confidence. He has all that we tried for years to get..and see rare glimpses of now. Beautiful, wacky boy.

Feeling kind of raw today. I think you might have caught me funnier yesterday (subjective, yes)..but right at this moment, I feel a bit tender hearted. Feeling like it all could just fall apart at any minute. Maybe I should hang out with Luke for awhile. He seems to have the answers. Put on the vest and just keep swimming.

Maybe it's the old "I need another goal" syndrome. Maybe it's "I need a job" syndrome. Anyone got a job for a singer, writer, sign language interpreter, mom? Anyone?

Most likely the high has worn off after our 1/2 marathon on Sunday. My girls and I decided to take on our 2nd Rock n Roll Marathon of the year. It was great fun. San Antonio had it all right. Mariachi bands, dancers, great folks helping along the route. We all trained well (well enough to get through!) and ran over the finish line smiling~

There were all kinds of participants. 31,000 of them, in fact. I found out I came in 700 or so in my age group. haha. Funny hobby this race walking thing. Maybe I feel a little raw because I saw actual footage of myself running over the finish line. I decided that I would push it at the very end of the race and run. I ran here and there during the race, like to catch up with my walking pace after a water break. 95 percent of the time I did the race walk. I pass people. I pass the people who start out really fast and then fall apart in the end. I am the little engine that could. I am the tortoise..you are the hare. You are the magnet and I am the steel. I hate that song. For some reason it really bugs me..don't have a logical reason why..just does. Walter Eagan, I think. He's never done anything to me that I can recall, just the whole magnet thing. Magnet should not be in a song. It doesn't sing pretty. Anyway..back to the race. So they now have footage of you running or limping across the finish line. Not a good idea. I thought it would be really exhilarating to see, after 2 and 1/2 hours of walking. Not so much. I remember one time my friend Autumn filmed herself running for a spot on her radio show. I think all of the radio personalities did..then they all compared running styles..who looked the coolest and all. I should have stuck with my tortoise style to carry me over the line. I know I am fast and steady as a walker. Not so much as a runner. I kind of had this waddle and push style. I went back and compared myself to several other legitimate runners and yeah, the w and p rather than the cool finish. I even put up my arms in victory...like I was a Kenyan or something. Pretty embarrassing. No honey, you can not see it.

One time Walt dug out my old video tapes and watched me on You Can Be a Star from the 90's. It was a country type talent show on CMT..before American Idol and the like. I hid them for a reason. If I was proud of the show, I would have had them on display where everyone could see. I was livid. So no..you can not see me "running" across the line. Our friend John drove up the other day when I was finishing my walk and again decided to run the last block. I was mortified that he saw me running from behind..after a long walk. I should have learned then to just keep doing what works best..don't try to be Bo Derek. I am a little engine..not a supermodel with braids.

So yeah..that must be it. Coming down from a high. Maybe too I should have just lived the ending in my head. Or still shots. They have a lot of still shots that one can purchase. They make you look really athletic. I think I will buy one and use it as my profile picture.

So on to the next goal. I think perhaps it is getting dinner going. I will not film myself in the kitchen, as to ruin my image of myself in my head as one of those beautifully filmed chefs now on The Food Network. You know, where they show cleavage and all. Funny..first CNN, FOX, The Weather Channel and now the Food Network. All cleavaged out. I will also walk to the kitchen and not run, as to not scare my son. He is a great runner. So is my husband. I am and will remain a tortoise. With cleavage.

6:33 pm Wednesday.


  1. I had a chance to see an very elegant lady after running a half marathon.. sway and sing her heart out. That lady is strong, together, and can reach any goal she sets her mind to. Is she one of my heroines? You bet! Did she sing like an angel? Do you really have to ask? Thank you so much for an entertaining, thought provoking blog as well as a wonderful role model. I am deeply in your debt...

  2. a tortoise with cleavage... I think I fit in that group as well! :) Great blog. I wish that I could have been there with all of my favorite ladies, but now that I know there was video footage I think I am glad I didn't make it! haha I would be mortified for anyone to see footage of me trying to make it across the finish line. Mortified!

    Love you and thanks for always sharing your thoughts :)


  3. Tina, you should be proud to be a tortoise (the cleavage is icing). I am proud of you. That is a good thing that many people strive for in their lives...that strength and determination is what gets us through the rough times! I love your description of Luke's outfit (and his spirit). I have pictures of my little boys with the shorts, cowboy boots, towel cape, coonskin cap, and whatever else they could find to dress up in twenty-something years ago...some of my most cherished memories, those sweet serendipitous times. Always love reading your writing...puts a smile on my face that lasts the whole day.


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