knock knock.

This blog is sponsored by Alamos Malbec.  A fruity yet bold 2009 vintage.  Goes well with courage, back-to-it-ness and don't look at the last date-ness of your last blog.

So many things have been happening here in the lovely suburb of Austin.  Sounds so glamorous, Austin.  We actually live in the burb of the sub.   Don't know what that means, but I thought it would provoke some kind of internal struggle whereas I would get on some kind of roll and then actually have some words on paper.  Not so much.  All that it has done is make me hyper-aware that I have not jumped in the blog  pond in a  while and am a bit on the rusty side.    All that said, it is not like I haven't been writing.  I have been joyously writing songs for my new CD and writing songs, hopefully for other artists to sing.  AAAHHH!!  I just checked "spellcheck" and it is working!!  That makes me very very happy.  Where was I..oh I have been writing.  It has been a good exercise for my brain. I just checked "spellcheck" again and it is not working.  Like it heard me.  Like it was just playing with my mind.  Like it knows how much I love it and it is playing hard to get.  Like some 7th grade romance.  Crap.  Now I will check spellcheck every other word, mispell things on purpose and call it and hang up.  Did you fall in love with another blog?  Is it because I have been gone for 2 months?  Is it because I use you too much.  Am I too needy?  I thought I gave you enough space but apparently, you need more.  It's not you, it's me.  (now I will secretly go check)  damn.  Broke up.  Just flat broke up with me.  I am going back to my old spell check.  The dictionary.  Who needs you and your flashy highlighter and correct words anyway.  I'm a solitary blogger.  No need to come looking for me either.  I am gone.  See ya.  Have a good life.

(secretly crying)  So where was I again?  See Italic has not forsaken me.    So.. baseball.  That is also where I have been.  Writing songs and baseball.  Writing songs about baseball.  Writing at the baseball field.  It is all about baseball.  And writing.  And I am so mad at spellcheck right now. 

So Luke started baseball.  Real baseball.  I mean serious no foolin' around baseball.  He went from the YMCA to college ball, it seems.  We are in Little League.  Eveyone told me that it was serious stuff.  The reason that we did not put him in Little League eariler was because I wasn't ready.  I was not ready for it to take over our lives.  But there was no place to go.  We had to sign this child up.  He was wearing us out.  I can only pitch so much..poorly at that...I can only shag so many baseballs.   Hours a day.  I love the sport, but he needed something to engage him and make him a better player.  We found it.  This is a very intese team.  He loves it.  I for one, could not sit on the benches and watch  for the first 6 or so games.  I had to wander and  fret.  Too nervous.  I can now sit for a few moments at a time..then have to get up when Luke is up to bat. 

All the players on the team are 9.  All,  (except Luke) have been playing in this league (and mostly on this very team) since T Ball.  He is the least seasoned of all of the players on the team.  He went from being the big cheese of the neighborhood and the Y to the kid who needs to get a hit in order to prove that he is the real deal.  His coach is very intense.  In fact, he has 4 coaches.  10 kids on the team, 4 coaches.  The intense coach freaked me out a bit with his bark and his loudness.  He especially was tough on his own offspring.  I have since found out that that is a pretty common thing with dads and coaches.    He has toned down a bit lately..maybe he sensed the uncomfortableness of the spectators.  Maybe he got a warning from the commisioner.  Maybe someone wrote a secret note to his wife.  Maybe he is on a special baseball medicine for intenseness.  I think I saw an advertisement for that on the MLB channel.  "For those days that your child is up to bat, swings, misses and loses the big game, try Plaxicitolfal."  (Plaxicitolfal should not be taken with alcohol or on every other Tuesday or when it is cloudy or durning La Nino.  Plaxicitolfol may cause drowsiness, more irritability, rashes, occasional sweating and intense hunger for sausage.) (if your anger lasts more than 3 days, consult a doctor to put you on a medicine that will reduce the side effects of Plaxicitolfal)  Anyway, he is less intesnse these days.  It never phased Luke.  He loved the challenge.  The coaches are all really encouraging to our boy.    Good sign.  He also thinks he is the best, so that doesn't hurt either.  The other day he said, "I think I am going to pitch tonight"  (this is after 1 and a half practices pitching) (the other boys have been pitching all year)  I guess that is a good quality.  I have that sometimes.  A little less that I used to though. 

At the end of the game the other night, the coaches had the players choose the 4 kids they would like to have represent them in the MVP game.  When the announcement was made on who made the team, everyone was sweet to those who were chosen and also sweet to those who were not.  When we were walking out, Luke was very quiet.  I said,  "Are  you bummed out that you did not get chosen to play on the MVP team? "    He said.."A little..I am more bummed out that I only got one vote."  I tried to explain to him that he is the new guy..the other kids have known each other for years..etc etc.  To him, it might have been one of those yucky moments, when you realize that you are not number 1..or even number 8.  Those pivotal  times that eventually shape you into whom you choose to become in life.    At this moment I was lucky enough to have a wealth of things I could talk about that I didn't make or get chosen for.  Just recently, I thought it would be "cute" to try out to sing the National Anthem for the minor league baseball game, here in town.  I have a lot of experience singing the Anthem for professional teams throughout the years.  I even brought Luke with me to the try outs.   I was not cocky.  I just got up there and sang.  There were many folks who I must say that I ..well..there were a lot of fine folks there trying out too.  I will take the High Road.    In the past I have signed the Anthem while I sang it.   This time I thought it would be kind of "braggy", so I just sang and did not sign.  (I have known sign language for years and have even been an interpreter)

Well guess what.  I did not get the gig.  About 2 weeks later I got an obligatory email that said..gee thanks..that was nice, BUT, you were not chosen.  Well hell.  I thought I actually had it in the bag.  Luke told me that I sounded great.  I felt pretty good about my performance  (even though my instincts told me I should have signed, just so they remember me in the glut of singers).  I did not get it.  Another lesson learned.  Always, always brag. 

Ok maybe not, but it was a good teaching moment when Luke only got one vote.    I said .. " Remember when I sang the National Anthem and you said that I was really good, but I still didn't make the cut?"   This is kind of a moment like that."  Luke said, "Yes mama, you are right."   " But you should have signed"

Feels good to be back in blog-land. 

10:52 pm Wednesday April 13 2011


ps:  If you would like to pre order a new CD..give me a holler at


  1. Kids...gotta love em! Reminds me of your recent story of Luke making his own trophy :) That is one smart kid you got there! And I'm sorry to say, the nerves and agony never go away! I still get nervous watching my sister perform in colorguard every time, even though she's been doing it for 7 years and totally rocks at it!

    Can't wait to hear your next big "homerun" :)

  2. Glad you're back. Don't be a stranger.

  3. I love, LOVE reading your writing. Glad you are back... Great Luke story! and I'm excited to hear you are writing songs for a new cd!


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