Pep Talk

Oh man..I must have been up in my treehouse.  I did not realize that it has been over a week since my last post.   My waking up early has been derailed by the Winter Olympics.  I just have to stay up and watch the excitement of Curling.  Those pants.  Mercy.  Perhaps part of the strategy is to distract your opponent with the loudness of garment.   I am totally going to follow the Norwegian trend of bright, plaid, zigzag, vertically striped, red, white and green pants.  Watch for them at Gruene Hall.

I am in awe of the Winter Olympic athletes.  Snowboarding & flying while you twist and do flips in the air, then landing ever so gracefully on the snow.  How about Dancing on ice?  On blades.  With a partner doing the exact same moves as perfection.  Then picking her up and throwing her in the air to do a twist thing and then catching her.  Only to glide effortlessly together, while smiling for the fans and judges.  And then they give you a 5.5  out of 10.  They are on SKATES on ICE.  THROWING each other.  I just don't get it.  I give you a 10 if you can just wear that sparkly little outfit without getting cold.  These kids work their entire lives to get out on the ice and shine.  What have I improved in the last 4 years since the last Winter Olympics?  Seriously.  To have that talent and acute dedication.. is really something.  I cannot tell you if I am inspired by the time I go to bed, or totally depressed.  If I had stuck with one thing and decided to do it better better better than anyone in the world..without letting anything distract me from my goal.  Maybe if I decided to not be so interested in boys in my 16th year.  Or maybe if I had moved to Nashville..just a year earlier.  Or maybe if I continued to play guitar, even after the guy I had a terrible crush on, made fun of me the first time I played a song for him.  Or maybe if I had listened to Mr. Ritchie,  my Jr. High Principal,  who said.."Decide on one thing..and do it really well.   Don't spread yourself too thin."   Which was actually the first time anyone ever associated anything that had to do with me and the word thin, in my young life.   I wonder.  I just wonder.

I saw two friends the other day, both of whom I haven't seen in about a year.  Each woman had lost over 100 pounds...just by changing their diet.   Nothing drastic, just a decision.  And then ferocious attention to their goal. While I write this,  I hear the brownies calling me from the kitchen.  I will not leave my desk to get one.  Nothing tastes better than wearing that bikini in the summer.  So the bikini wearers of the world say.  Ferocious dedication.   Damn you brownies, trying to steal my dream.   Can't you see that I am on a roll?  Mmm.  A roll.

Deciding to be great.  Deciding to change your life to make it healthier.  Deciding not to drink..and get yourself to a you can stick to that promise you made to God and yourself.  It takes courage. It takes not letting the world or the world in your head keep you unsatisfied.   It's claiming your good...oh and then working your ass off.

On the way home from Fort Worth on Saturday morning, we saw a U-Haul pulling a pickup truck hastily packed, full of kid's outdoor toys. The U-Haul was swerving from the weight of the truck. The toys were bouncing around, but the driver kept it as steady as one could.    When we drove by, I looked to see who was in the driver's we just do sometimes.  I saw a woman in her 20's with her two little kids in the front seat.   What did she decide on Friday night?  It was a powerful moment, driving by.

So let's claim our good.. Dangit.  Let's be great at something.  Let's not settle for living a less than spectacular life!   I'm not gonna get all "Up With People" on ya, but I do think our souls and very being are eroded by some of the things we are bombarded with on a daily basis.  Like TV shows that have the words,  "The Housewives of" in the title.   Junk food called Baby Bottle Sucker Punch.   72 oz. Big Gulps filled with red dye and sugar.  Pop country music with one more lyric that says, "Gurl in those tight jeans"...    How are you going to be a great Olympic Curler, when all of this useless information seeps into your brain?  How are you going to sweep your way into history, if you decide to stay up and watch the to- be-continued Honey Boo Boo marathon?  You have your whole country depending on you to slowly edge the stone toward the center of the Curling universe circle and yell at it to keep going..until it bumps safely into Sweden, landing you  perfectly in the free guard zone, avoiding the hog line and the t-zone.   How are you going to do it?  I'll tell you how you are going to do it.  You are going to pull up those crazy pants, claim your good and Curl on.   Curl on girl, in those tight blue jeans.  There ya go,   Justin Credible ..that's your next big single.

Tuesday, Feb. 18th 2:49 pm
A beautiful day in Cedar Park.  Sorry Mid-West.  You have the lilacs though.


  1. Tina that was awesome. Thats the first blog post of yours ive read...didnt realize you had one. Great writing and I love how you wrapped up the end. I love curling and I cant stand the mainstream negatives which keep the vast majority of society from even making an attempt to dream with their white hot lies and contradictions. What good is an FDA that allows these companies to feed us poison and whatever fillers they chose to maintain a certain profit percentage. And what good is a government that allows it to go on....Might have to start my own blog. Keep on Tina!


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