
I have changed my life. Suddenly everything is working. I just got through "Housewives of Orange County"..but "Change your Brain, Change your Body" on PBS. This little man uses his hands and talks loudly at the paid audience members so convincingly, that is made me get up, do yoga, meditate, throw out all junk food, jump my rope, belly dance, eat raw nuts, protein shakes with omega something or other, drink green tea, think positively, get sleep and come on over to the computer and get a blog a going. I am free.. I am woman hear me roar. Haha remember Helen Reddy? Funny thought..her singing that song. I am woman. heehee. It seemed so powerful back when I was 9.

SO..get ready Cedar comes mama. Oh but order to feel realllly reallly great, I have to contribute 395.00 to PBS to receive the rest of the stuff that will make me feel good. Like little- waving- hand- guy's books , DVD's, CD's, food log, exercise plan, bmi body mass wheel and his wife's cookbook..along with a little inspirational prose from the Dr. himself. So ..the creative and cheap me thinks that if I go to 1/2 Price Books tomorrow..I bet I can find a slew of his products just waiting to be picked up for 150.00. Maybe I will just be able to get the book..or the DVD or the cookbook. Maybe I can just scan it and retain all the info in my new healthy active brain, without actually purchasing a thing. Seeing that I now feel like a super human after all my yoga, berries and breathing techniques that I practiced this morning. Yeah..that's it, I will scan it and save my money for a big lunch. (healthy, of course)

I do think that this dude is right on, mostly. He really had me until he said two words that made me cringe. No Wine. wtf? No Wine. You had me at hello..and now you are taking away the one thing that I love? Do you not know me like you used to? Did you not tell me 1 hour ago that you were going to make my life better? I will live longer, offset the effects of Alzheimer's, be more present for my family, live life to the fullest and climb the highest mountains? And no coffee too. Bad Dr. Bad bad doctor of neuroblasphemy. His last name is Amen. I am not kidding. Amen. Ya think that was a name change later in life? Maybe, maybe not. I'm just sayin' sounds a bit contrived. That's like me changing my last name to Reallyawesomesingergirl. I'll be right back..I need a little red in my glass. Not that the green tea was that bad..but hell...let's get to it.

So I get hooked. I like the PBS people. I get really amped up and almost buy stuff. I like Dr. Wayne Dyer and all of his wisdom. Or marketing. I like the money dude.. the Rich Dad Poor Dad guy. In fact, a customer of mine told me to buy that book 15 years ago when I worked on Music Row in Nashville. He gave me a $100.00 tip and said read the book and invest. I paid the phone bill. Tina. tinatinatina. That would have been such a great career move. To learn about investing. I really don't want to drink that much I will just stop right there with the investing story. SO Wayne Dyer. "Change your Thoughts Change your Life". That was his latest PBS book. I do actually have that one. It takes the teachings of Lao Tzu and puts it into lay man's terms. Really quite good. I got it from my mom after she bought it from 1/2 Price Books..or Amazon. Maybe I will wait until she buys the entire Dr Amen's series and see if I receive that too as a hand me down. Dr. Wayne and Dr Amen could do a book together. "Change Everything Big Fat Loser". But I guess the ACLU wouldn't like that very much.

Now Rick Steves is walking around Europe on PBS (on the tiny TV in the office) and I am thinking...if I had invested the 100 dollars..I could be wandering around Barcelona too. "Big Fat Poor Loser that Can't Go to Europe" That's a better book written by all of the hosts of the fabulous PBS infomercials. Oh now he's in a tapas bar. Rustic wine, straight from keg. Picasso art viewing too. I suck. Why oh Why did I not invest? Why oh why do I continue to torture myself by continuing to watch this? Now I need some cheese to go with my wine.

Maybe I was better off watching The Housewives. I tell you what. I will go to the book store tomorrow and see if any of Dr. Amen's books are available. If so, I will follow it and see if it really does change my brain or my life or my pocketbook. I will be like Julie and Julia for self help. A marathon for my brain. I just saw that Rick Steve's book is called Rick Steve's Europe..a Trip Through the Back Door". Now, that's just weird. Does he not have a team that says to him...ah..yeah..well..maybe you could use the side door or the screen door or the sliding door..I will not be buying that book.

Off to bed. Up at 5:30 for Yoga. Namaste y'all.

11:31 Sunday ~March 28


  1. Rick Steves must have the same marketing team that told Steve Jobs that iPad was a great name for their new device. Have fun book shopping!

  2. Tinatinatina. Oh my, girl. Dr. Amen? Seriously?
    I'm with ya on the wine thing. Couldn't do it, and I love the "Change Everything You Big Fat Loser". I think that's me...been feelin' that lately.
    Hey, just waiting for Agave, ships today from LSM. That will do the trick on making me feel better. No doubt about that. :)


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