late night tv steals a singer's soul..story at 11.
Lately I have been really good at talking myself out of writing. Various reasons. Nothing huge..just strange. A case of thinking too much, I think.
I read an article about a woman who decided to say Yes to everything for one year. All of those invites from relatives, strange people, bridal showers, golf dates, lunches, walks..yes yes yes. Good idea. I have said yes a lot lately to the couch at night and bad TV. Cereal too. What is it about The Housewives of Orange County that intrigues me so much? Is it that they are soooo shallow and despicable that it makes me feel better about sitting for hours and eating cheerios? Is it perhaps that I was really close to living that way? (well..actually I was never really close to living that way..I lived close to people living that way) Is it like driving by an car wreck? You just can't turn away? Is it like watching a freak show..all those ladies my age all tucked up, pulled back, sucked in and bought. And their men. Holy God. They are a word that I will not use..because it's more of a guy word that other guys call guys like that. I mean..where are their whoo-a-vos?
I think it was brilliant to create a show about nothing. And we watch it. Or at least I do. You, on the other hand, are hopefully writing a novel or a song or creating a painting or saying prayers with your child or reading The Dali Lama's latest. Adding your grace to the brilliance of the world. Not hiding your light under a bushel or something like that. Using your gifts to heal, help and inspire the masses. Going beyond fear and conquering your insecurities. F it. I need wine. OK.. I have not been writing..thinking too much..eating count chocula..and watching late night crap. I can see the correlation now. All that I have been contributing to the world is more anger and jiggle. Yes, Jiggle. I blame each fake housewife and now want my wasted nights back. I am not saying yes to you anymore. If I am to say yes to everything..where then do we draw the line? Bad TV? Bad food? Bad wine? I can not say yes to bad wine. Bad people? What if I hate you and you invite me to a movie? What good is that? 3 hours gone..and I still hate you. yes. I am going to write a book called ...Say No to Yes. and the sequel: Say Yes to Only the Things That You like and Will Make You Get Off your Ass and Be Creative. Yeah..that's my book. What if I decided that this minute is the minute that I decided to take full responsibility for everything in my life? No more being late. No more excuses about not writing, singing, walking, teaching, being old. blah blah blah It's like when one chooses to sit and watch..let's say..Millionaire Match Maker, at 12 am on a school night..some of your gifts are taken away. Like when Luke decides to play his DS more than read. I get a little miffed. YES! Epiphany..That is exactly what it is like.
God looks at me and spent the last 3 hours filling your soul with crap, special K with chocolate (oxymoronic cereal) and self loathing. Now, I will with hold a song that would have been your next big hit..or a poem that would have made your husband cut his hair. (not really..he thinks I want him to cut his Sampson or something.. But..I know there is power in those strands..and songs..and probably a few birds..but I think he's very handsome) So for each lazy wasted are put back on the shelf. You can't get them by just being "good" either. You have to earn them. Like love. Love has to be earned..just kidding..but gifts from the must work and prove yourself worthy in order to receive. Maybe the real Al Qaeda is late night TV & sugary snacks that lead one straight to a mild yet comfortable depression. That surely would paralyze a creative, soulful nation, wouldn't it?
IN fact..I am going to go out and go for a 5 mile walk. OK..maybe when the sun comes up..but The Housewives stole that from me too. I haven't walked consistently in a while..and hell if I am not going to get it back. They buy their toned legs.. but not this housewife of CS. (country squire) I work for it. There are no answers to the mysteries of life on the Bravo channel. No one will inspire you to do sit ups, learn to sew, garden, read. It is all a ruse to bring you to your most vacant place. To make you go and buy Xenadrine or Oxycut or other legal uppers to get you shaky and skinny. It will make you go to bed feeling like a failure because you don't own a 800 dollar bag to match your shoes for the cocktail party. It will steal your soul quietly while the most precious moments of time could be spent reading Rumi. Step away from the remote and fly ye little housewife of Cedar Park. Fly to the bookshelf and dust of old Walt Whitman. He will fill your soul with great poetry, light and being, yells The Universe. But don't ask him to cut his hair.
12:27 am 3/8/10
I read an article about a woman who decided to say Yes to everything for one year. All of those invites from relatives, strange people, bridal showers, golf dates, lunches, walks..yes yes yes. Good idea. I have said yes a lot lately to the couch at night and bad TV. Cereal too. What is it about The Housewives of Orange County that intrigues me so much? Is it that they are soooo shallow and despicable that it makes me feel better about sitting for hours and eating cheerios? Is it perhaps that I was really close to living that way? (well..actually I was never really close to living that way..I lived close to people living that way) Is it like driving by an car wreck? You just can't turn away? Is it like watching a freak show..all those ladies my age all tucked up, pulled back, sucked in and bought. And their men. Holy God. They are a word that I will not use..because it's more of a guy word that other guys call guys like that. I mean..where are their whoo-a-vos?
I think it was brilliant to create a show about nothing. And we watch it. Or at least I do. You, on the other hand, are hopefully writing a novel or a song or creating a painting or saying prayers with your child or reading The Dali Lama's latest. Adding your grace to the brilliance of the world. Not hiding your light under a bushel or something like that. Using your gifts to heal, help and inspire the masses. Going beyond fear and conquering your insecurities. F it. I need wine. OK.. I have not been writing..thinking too much..eating count chocula..and watching late night crap. I can see the correlation now. All that I have been contributing to the world is more anger and jiggle. Yes, Jiggle. I blame each fake housewife and now want my wasted nights back. I am not saying yes to you anymore. If I am to say yes to everything..where then do we draw the line? Bad TV? Bad food? Bad wine? I can not say yes to bad wine. Bad people? What if I hate you and you invite me to a movie? What good is that? 3 hours gone..and I still hate you. yes. I am going to write a book called ...Say No to Yes. and the sequel: Say Yes to Only the Things That You like and Will Make You Get Off your Ass and Be Creative. Yeah..that's my book. What if I decided that this minute is the minute that I decided to take full responsibility for everything in my life? No more being late. No more excuses about not writing, singing, walking, teaching, being old. blah blah blah It's like when one chooses to sit and watch..let's say..Millionaire Match Maker, at 12 am on a school night..some of your gifts are taken away. Like when Luke decides to play his DS more than read. I get a little miffed. YES! Epiphany..That is exactly what it is like.
God looks at me and spent the last 3 hours filling your soul with crap, special K with chocolate (oxymoronic cereal) and self loathing. Now, I will with hold a song that would have been your next big hit..or a poem that would have made your husband cut his hair. (not really..he thinks I want him to cut his Sampson or something.. But..I know there is power in those strands..and songs..and probably a few birds..but I think he's very handsome) So for each lazy wasted are put back on the shelf. You can't get them by just being "good" either. You have to earn them. Like love. Love has to be earned..just kidding..but gifts from the must work and prove yourself worthy in order to receive. Maybe the real Al Qaeda is late night TV & sugary snacks that lead one straight to a mild yet comfortable depression. That surely would paralyze a creative, soulful nation, wouldn't it?
IN fact..I am going to go out and go for a 5 mile walk. OK..maybe when the sun comes up..but The Housewives stole that from me too. I haven't walked consistently in a while..and hell if I am not going to get it back. They buy their toned legs.. but not this housewife of CS. (country squire) I work for it. There are no answers to the mysteries of life on the Bravo channel. No one will inspire you to do sit ups, learn to sew, garden, read. It is all a ruse to bring you to your most vacant place. To make you go and buy Xenadrine or Oxycut or other legal uppers to get you shaky and skinny. It will make you go to bed feeling like a failure because you don't own a 800 dollar bag to match your shoes for the cocktail party. It will steal your soul quietly while the most precious moments of time could be spent reading Rumi. Step away from the remote and fly ye little housewife of Cedar Park. Fly to the bookshelf and dust of old Walt Whitman. He will fill your soul with great poetry, light and being, yells The Universe. But don't ask him to cut his hair.
12:27 am 3/8/10
Sooo...about a month ago dad was hacking away at the bushes in front of my little garage room & he hacked right through my cable in the process. Before then, I'd watch HOURS on end of mindless, pointless TV daily! It even got to the point where my ability to watch certain shows affected my mood. If I overslept & missed a show, I was bitter the rest of the day. So when dad confessed what he had done, I quickly got on the phone with my brother to see if he had a replacement cable...I needed it...and QUICK! We made plans to fix it that coming weekend. Then the weekend came & went and we were both too busy to get it fixed. After the next week, I started to realize my mornings seemed a LOT longer than they used to be. I had more time to clean, get the laundry done, eat a good breakfast (not just cereal :p), etc. So here I am a month later & STILL don't have cable...and I'm kind of enjoying it! Last night, while everyone else in the world was glued to the tv for the Oscars, I was chatting with friends online & listening to, well, you :)...and Walt, and Radney...among several others who graced my CD player. Now see, if something were ever to keep me from listening to music, we'd have a REAL problem! :p And if Walt EVER cuts that beautiful, magical hair of his, he's going to have to answer to me! ;)
ReplyDeleteWell Tina, at least you know where your time has been going lately. I can't say as much. It's just gone, with nary a thing to show for it. Thank you for the inspiration to "do something" with my time, and thank you to Kelly too for her comments...and Walt will have to answer to me as well!
ReplyDeleteKeep are touching and changing lives.
I hate to admit "TV vice" is not Miami Vice, but DVRing Judge Judy and watching them when I need a good laugh! Karin gets upset with me when I watch Judge Judy, she says Judge Judy is not a nice person...I tell Karin that JJ is telling all those unusual people what they need to hear, and once again, it makes me laugh and that is important!