small medium. large evening.

So last night The Country Music Awards were on TV.  I was grateful that I had something to do, otherwise this would be a totally different blog posting!  I am a little partial to the troubadours who are out there playing actual music.  I do not relate well to most of the music that is being awarded these days, on the country radio dial.  I do like Miranda Lambert's version of "All Kinds of Kinds", though.  Love Don Henry.  He is a freaky gift of a songwriter.  I am a bit jealous that Miranda had a cult hit with his song..and not mama here.  I moved to Nashville after I experienced a Don Henry tape.  I could not believe that someone could write like that.  Funny, witty, intelligent.  Meaningful.  I fell in love with his voice and craft.   He was our generation's Roger Miller.    Still is.  Look him up:

That's not why I called you here today..although your day will be richer, if you do look up and listen to Don.

So last night, my mom bought us tickets to see Teresa Caputo.  Anyone?  Do you know Teresa?  Well she has a TV show called, "The Long Island Medium".   I had only caught the show a few times..but my mom is a believer.  She believed so much that she purchased tickets to see her road show at The Cedar Park Center.  Teresa Caputo filled the arena.   Granted, it's a small arena, but it still holds about 3000 people.  At at least 50 bucks a pop.   Teresa is a small feisty woman, big bleached blond hair, looooong fingernails and high sparkly heels.  She has the energy and the persona of Bette Midler.  She has mass appeal.  People love her because of her bluntness and tenderness.   She is self deprecating.  She is funny.  And she talks to dead people.

I'm not and easy sell.  I love my mom and I would go see an albino talking monkey that did backflips, if she bought us tickets.    I might not go see Jason Aldean, but the monkey, I'm in.  Sorry, that was cheap.   So..we went to see a Medium.  She was a small medium with a large personality.  Man, I should write for one of those magazines you see during grocery check out.  Anyway, despite my skeptic-ish nature, I decided that I would go and be totally open to witnessing something new and entertaining.  I did not have to believe, as the other 2999 did.  I could simply be a good daughter and enjoy the company of my mom, ghosts and the other fine folk at The Cedar Park Center.

Well.  The evening started with her assistant singing the National Anthem.  Then Teresa came out from the behind the big medium curtain..and asked if all military folks would please stand.  I am in.  Anyone who sings the National Anthem and honors our military, I will give a fair listen to.  Sure it all might be calculated..but so what.  I love anything patriotic.   They had me at "Oh Say Can You See.."  So I sit a little longer.  Still keeping a close eye on the bar to escape, if and when it got to be too much.  I didn't want my mom to be mad at me for all of the medium jokes to come.

She then tells her story.  She says that she knew she was odd when at 4 years old, she would see things other people do not see.   She is very entertaining.  She also says, I'm not here to convince you that this is real.  You can believe what you want.    I am not sure when she was discovered or how her life's calling led her to Cedar Park, but so far, I was intrigued.   I wanted to witness her gift.  Be it channeling the beyond or be it a great medicine man show from the black and white part of The Wizard of Oz.    She finished her intro and walked down the stairs and started walking around the arena.  First thing she said was, "Who lost their father?"  Well hell..I'd day about 3/4 's of us did..but then..she started going into these crazy details about how, when, names, numbers.  One lady remained standing.  They handed her a mic.  She cried and listened and confirmed almost everything Teresa was talking about.  We were not handed anything to fill out.  We just gave our tickets and entered the place.   I would flash back to the faith healers of old, when they would hire people to be their "plants" for religious saving.  But over and over again, for the next 2 hours straight..she would walk around and talk to people.  Just talk and bring buckets of tears to them.  Things one could not just make up.  It was truly heart wrenching to hear some of the stories.   No one moved.   People listened, cried and hoped that she would be lead to walk their way and give them a sign that one of their own was waiting to communicate.

People just wanting so desperately to connect.  Needing one more confirmation that all is well on the other side.  And..there was nothing one could have done to keep them here on this Earthly plane.   Her messages were all positive.  No one used their time to continue a grudge.  All was said and done.  

I believe in spirits and ghosts.  I also believe that there are people with gifts that are other worldly.  By the time she walked over to where my mom and I were sitting, maybe I was hoping too that there would be some kind of sign or word that would resonate with us.  How cool would that be?  Just us.  Only we would know.  But alas, someone else needed healing more than us last night.  We were just there for the circus.   Some of these folks needed affirmation to live again.    My dad was pretty skeptical by this might not have been his arena to contact us.   See my dad is more subtle than a shout out.  He leaves dimes for me to find.  Just to say..I'm still here.  Pick me up..put me in your pocket.  Find me in the dryer.  Put me in Luke's baseball bag.   Pay attention.  Pay attention to the little things.  Be mindful of where you walk.  Be mindful when you walk.

All in all it was a pretty cool evening.  I think that people just want to know they are loved and forgiven.   It made me realize that people walk around in pain every day.  Some with big ol' holes in the center of their being.  Missing their kids, moms, siblings.  I might be more aware of that now, when I see someone who just looks sad.  Or mad.   Or talking to ghosts.

Thursday, November 7   1:20 pm   On our way to Hilltop, Fredericksburg, TX


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