
Well the dog ate my favorite flip flops.  Again.  I kind of salvaged them the last time he chewed them up..and made it work.  This time, not so much.  He was mad at me because I was eating a turkey sandwich and did not share with him.  See, that's the problem with giving the dog people food.  He had turkey, steak and chicken in the last few days.  Leftover heaven for the pup.  Then, when I put out his organic doggie mix..which probably costs more than a good steak, he looked at it like it was an insult.  "WHAT is this?  I am the king.  I deserve what you are eating and more.  Not this DOG food.  I want turkey and bread.  Now get it for me. will not get it for me?  Well..let's see what we can chew up while you are reading and eating your delicious sandwich."   Beeline to the shoes.  What is a beeline?  Did I use that right?  I will look that up, but not now because I am on a dog-talking roll.  A train of thought, if you will.   What does that mean?  I will look that up too.  But not now because I am writing as if my dog were talking.  In another blog, I imagined that he probably sounded like one of the Wilson brothers..Luke or Owen.  Can't remember at the moment, but today I think he has an English accent, ordering me around and stuff.    Not like Russel Brand English, but more like Peter O' Toole English.  Where he says, "Yes, Quite", a lot.  Or maybe even..dang...who's that guy that cheated on the pretty model..OK narrow it down to 1..with a hooker..dang it...I can see him and his dreamy eyes and hair..and stumbling speech damn cute in an English sort of way..Drew?  Nah..C'mon..4 Weddings and a Funeral guy...  "Yes, Quite"..  He says that a bunch in every film.    Oh well..maybe he will politely pop into my head later.   "Yes Quite".. That is fun to say.   You try it.    Not like that.  You have to use an English accent.  "Yes, Quite".  Good.  You sound very believable.  All this thinking about English actors makes me wish I had a biscuit.  Not your usual Pillsbury biscuit..but a cookie-type biscuit.  Biscuit is spelled funny.  Anyway, I would like to have some tea and a sweet biscuit.   I would like some tea with bourbon in it.  Have you tried that?  Oh man.  Go and get yourself some tea, bourbon, sugar and drink it and say, "Yes, Quite".  You will feel very elegant,  I promise.  I will wait.                See?  Didn't that just change the course of your day?  I bet you feel elegant and a little buzzy.  That is a nice way to experience a Wednesday, the day after Valentine's day.   Unless of course you were up all night with your love,  drinking champagne.  Then the bourbon and tea probably will not make you feel elegant and buzzy.  You will probably feel icky and tired.   If you say "Yes, Quite", you might sound like Dudley Moore though.  Just a thought.    HUGH GRANT.  Whew.   That would have bugged me all day.  I know I could have looked it up on google, but I didn't want to cheat my brain out of searching in that  hidden pocket of useless info spot.  I will strengthen it , in case I am ever on a game show.  Not so much Jeopardy, though. 

Lovely day here on Country Squire Drive.  It was a strange week, so the sunshine feels great through the window.  We had sleet, snow flurries, rain, mud and now, sun and 70 degrees.  Had some great gigs and some really sweet times with the family.  There was one moment in the middle of the week that was not so cool.  And dang it, if that was the thing that dominated my brain most of the time.  Why does it take 1000000 positives to off-set one negative?    It kind of felt like I was squeezed into learning something new about myself.   I say squeezed because it is not a willing learn.  Like, you can't take an extension class at the Jr. College to learn.."How to feel like shit and recover quickly".  Oh..yes, I know where that class is.  It's right next to "You're a loser, I'm a loser, We're all losers.  How do accept your loser-ness, in a winner's world".   Or the evening class of,  "Pick yourself up.  Put on some makeup.  Get your ass going."     It was not earth shattering or dangerous.  I did not bungee jump naked or anything like that.  It was simply a miscommunication.  But it really pained me.  But,  perhaps the squeeze lead me to this:  

Love continues to win.   Our brains are very powerful.  It can lead us to places dark and scary sometimes.    I do not want to take the dark and scary road.  I do not know Karate. I want to take the sweet road.  The one that has light and kindness and dancers in colorful costumes.  Like Cirque Du Soleil.   Trust and Love yourself.  Trust and Love others.  Love God with all your heart and soul.  Believe in your dreams.  Not in an American Idol kind of way, but it the way you feel when you know that you were born to be doing what you are doing.   Believe it when someone tells you they love you.  Believe in,  rather than doubting your gifts.  Use the power of your  word in the direction of truth and love.    Use the power of your Word in the direction of Truth and Love.  This is what I learned. Or as my friend Oprah would say, "This is what I know for sure."  Well, this is what I know,  this moment.  I will work on keeping it in my heart and continue to  remind myself  of its power.    I also learned that if you speak in an English accent, things that seemed so serious a minute ago, sounds quite lovely now.  A matter of perception, perhaps.  Maybe that's what it all comes down to.   Our perception.  mmm.  Might have just learned something else.  I better drop that class I was going to take called,  "Perception.  It's all in your head..or is it?"

So into another week we run.  Dog eats another shoe.  The neighborhood looks particularly green and lush.  The state is drinking up the rain and most definitely will bloom some  wildflowers on the sides of the road.  The country is mourning the loss of a talented but terribly messed up singer...perhaps rethinking fame as the ultimate prize.    The world continues to balance good and evil.  We continue to spin.   We spin and we dance and we love.  We love and we dance and we spin.  We hurt and forgive and move on.  And tomorrow, by the grace of the Grand and Most Generous Creator of us all, we wake up and do it all again.

10:31 pm  Wednesday, Feb. 15 2012


  1. And all God's children shouted.....


  2. Indeed. You nailed it! I totally agree love always wins. It "bears all things, believes all things hopes all things endures all things." I'm also reminded of "Choose Love" - which comes to my mind often, reminding me. Sometimes I need reminding not to choose something that's not love, which I will regret...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. a beautiful, poignant reminder. this rollercoaster of a life is fun and scary, exciting and sometimes sad. but the ride continues on...up,down,around. and it does balance out, doesn't it?
    love and thanks

  5. Dang girl, you are a hell of a writer, and funny too! Life is life, might as well enjoy it, eh?


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